Justin Emenike Ministries
“A Life Transforming and a Life Changing Ministry”
“You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. Psalms” 65:11 (NLT)
Apostle Justin Emenike, Senior Pastor. Pastore Carole Emenike, Ass. Senior Pastor
A fresh dynamic Life Transforming Message of Upliftment, Empowerment, and Impartation: Service 11:30AM
“A Life Transforming and a Life Changing Ministry”
Welcome to our website and thank you for visiting with us today. We are excited that you are here, and we believe this timing and the place of our meeting is not a coincidence or a mistake at all. Far from it, it is a part of God’s divine will for you and for us – that we meet and fellowship for the working of His eternal kingdom mandate. We are a church -ministry vested with the full undeniable, uncontestable prophetic, divine mandate by God to share the good news of life-transforming, life-changing and life-sustaining message of Hope, Faith, and Love to all people of the world, through the grace of Him that has called us into the mission, according to Jesus’s instruction
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all the creatures” (Mark 16:15). Also, in accordance of Paul’s cardinal principles: Hope, Faith, and Charity.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV
We give our service to the Lord God and His people intentionally and faithfully. We are committed to the mission He has given to us, to reach people in local communities, nations, states, and the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, your God reigns!” It is important to remember this scripture because in God’s view, those who spread this message are beautiful and blessed.
We believe without any shadow of doubt that it takes our own core, foundational faith in Christ built on Hope of eternal life, to be able to share the love of the gospel with you. We care about you, your needs, and the problems that you may be facing even right now. More importantly, God cares about you, including your family and your future. To that end, we hope that through the various ministries herein, @ New Life Redemption Church | Pastor Justin Emenike Ministries we will be able to convey hope, faith, and the love of God through Christ to you. Because His joy, according to Nehemiah 1:8 is your strength that will enable you to overcome, triumph, and become victorious over whatever life may have thrown at you. Be it a setback in business or financial hardship or marital problem, or faith crises issues, etc. I pray for you today, that by this contact with us, you will be endowed with heavenly blessings: knowledge, wisdom, and the grace to fight, to win, and to live for Christ and win the glorious life God has planned for you, In Jesus name. Amen.
Our weekly service is also live streamed on Facebook, YouTube and on our website every Sunday at 11:30am with Apostle Justin Emenike
Weekly Service
First Sunday of the month 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Join The Wednesday 7:00PM Bible Study: Right application of The dynamic word of Truth. -2 Timothy 3:16. VIA LIVE STREAM.
Third Sunday of the month 11:00AM- 1:00PM
Prophetic prayer for Healing, Restoration, and Breakthrough.
Nursing Home and Shelter Outreach | Prison Ministry | Food Program
10:00AM – 1:00PM
(by special schedule)
Via zoom: (Please remember to mute your phone)
The Power of Partnership
The whole Bible reflects so many aspects of people in partnership or aligning with God by faith and obedience and it’s one of the most single acts that will bring incredible blessings and favor into your life. In taking this step of faith, you first must understand what a partnership is. For example, a partnership is when people with a mutual agreement and bond form an alliance for a common shared goal or objective. In essence, they will join forces and resources in order to reach their shared goals and objectives. Thus, the goal of partnership is so you can have an opportunity to partake in what God is doing especially in the ministry such as helping others and the church reach the world with the gospel. This is done by joining us so that you may leverage on your skills, talents, and other resources in such a manner God’s Kingdom plan on earth is advanced. On the other hand, there are tremendous, divine, and physical blessings accrued for Kingdom partners in God’s vineyards. Here are just a few:
Your Generosity Fuels the Mission
Faith, Hope & Love is always a fruit of the spirit in season, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.
Thank you – we appreciate your faithful and generous support!